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Ogun State Judiciary: Court in Ota Orders Mother To Sweep Son’s School For Six (6) Months

Ogun state judiciary

Ogun State Judiciary: Court Orders Mother To Sweep Son’s School For Six Months

40-year-old housewife, Biola Joshua, was ordered by a magistrate court in Ota – Ogun state to sweep her son’s school, Iju-Ebiye High School, for six months as a punishment for invading its premises with thugs.

It is said that she invaded the school with others at large and beat the principal and health officer, leaving them with body injuries for scolding her son Joshua who was later arrested by the police.

The police took her to the magistrate’s court and she was charged with conspiracy, assault and breach of peace.

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Delivering the ruling, Magistrate Shotunde Shotayo, ordered the convict to sweep the school from 8 am to 11 am every day.

He also ordered that a logbook for the convict be opened by the school, where her daily activities would be recorded for the six-month period.

Shotayo, however, gave Joshua a fine option of N30,000 to be given to the injured principal and school officer.

He held that the prosecution proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Earlier, the prosecution counsel, Inspector Cynthia Ejezie, told the court that the convict, her son and others at large, committed the offences on March 11, 2021, around 2 pm at Iju-Ebiye High School, Ota, invading the school with thugs and beating up the principal and the health care officer.

The prosecutor said the offences contravened sections 249(d), 355 and 516 of the Criminal Code, Laws of Ogun State 2006.


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