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British Government and Christian Association of Nigeria Condemns Gruesome killing of Deborah

British government

The British government and Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) have both condemned the action against 25 year old Deborah Samuel over alleged blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad

The British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Catriona Laing, issued the condemnation of the act in her tweet on Twitter

@catrionalaing which was retweeted by the High Commission via its handle @ UKinNigeria. “I condem the murder of Deborah Samuel in Sokoto, and urge the police and relevant authorities to ensure the perpetrators of the horrific act are made to face justice in line with the law,” the UK top envoy tweeted. 

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and its Youth Wing (YOWICAN) also made their stand known on the sad incidence.

In a statement by its General Secretary, Joseph Daramola, CAN said the unlawful action must be condemned by all right thinking people and the perpetrators be fish out and brought to law

The association also acknowledged the reaction of the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar III who condemned the act and called on the Government agencies to ensure justice for Deborah.

The statement said: “The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) condemns in strong terms the gruesome murder of a Christian, a 200 Level student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Deborah Yakubu, by some extremist fellow students on alleged blasphemy.

Also read:Deborahs’s Death, Osinbajo finally speaks

“The unlawful and dastardly action of the perpetrators must not only be condemned by all right-thinking people but the security operatives must fish them out, prosecute them as it is expected of them. 

“It is the failure of the security agencies and the government to rise up to such criminalities in the past that gave birth to terrorists and bandits. And as long as the state fails to bring these beasts and criminals amidst us to book, so also the society will continue to be their killing fields. 

“We acknowledge the swift reaction of His Eminence, Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar III, who not only condemned the criminal and religious intolerant action but called on the security agencies to bring the perpetrators to justice. 


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